Filters currently in use

These are the filters you can select from on our devices page. Please email us if there are online communities you're concerned about but are not yet covered under our filters.

  • Image Classifier: Pornographic/nsfw images are blocked, including drawn images, using our image classifier.
  • Pornographic Content: Pornographic/nsfw urls are blocked.
  • Enable SafeSearch: Many sites, from Google to Yandex to Twitter, offer settings to exclude adult content; this flag turns those settings on. We strongly recommend using this flag.
  • Alcoholic Content: Alcohol related content (like r/mixology) is blocked.
  • Weed Content: Weed related content (like r/trees) is blocked.
  • Tobacco Content: Tobacco related content (such as content about a vape pen) is blocked.
  • Drug Content: All other drug related content is blocked.
  • Trans Content: Pro-trans and non-binary groups, especially focused on blocking those which target kids and encourage seeking treatment without parental consent.
  • LGBT Content: Pro-lgbt groups, especially those which encourage sexuality of children.
  • Atheism: Pro-atheist content, such as r/atheism.
  • Generative AI Content (i.e. ChatGPT): Generative AI, especially chat. Generative AI can be used to cheat on homework or talk to AI girlfriends, which frequently include inappropriate pics. This list is incomplete as the space is rapidly expanding, and some AI chatbot, like bing copilot, cannot yet be blocked due to their tight site integration.
  • Communism: Blocks pro-communism misinformation (such as r/communism101), or unironic subs promoting emigrating to communist countries (such as r/MovingToNorthKorea). These subs have become very popular on Reddit, and are routinely promoted to the front page.
  • Socialism: Blocks pro-socialist misinformation, candidates, and socialist meme communities.
  • Anti-work: Blocks communities like r/antiwork, which can radicalize children. You can listen to the mod of the largest community talk about the movement here.
  • Anti-parent: Blocks communities like r/raisedbynarcissists which encourages kids to hate their parents and not talk to them after leaving home.
  • Short-form Video: Blocks short-form video sharing communities and sites (such as or YouTube Shorts).
  • Gambling: Blocks betting communities and pro-gambling content (ranging from betting on esports to political bets).
  • Nonmonogamy: Blocks communities that support non-monogamous relationships (either from cheating or as part of an open relationship).
  • Suicide: Blocks communities known to joke about suicide or those where kids can go to discuss/threaten suicide.
  • Misogyny: Blocks communities and influencers who have a reputation for being misogynistic (such as incel communities).

Updating Filters

Filters can be updated from the device's page. It may take up to 60 seconds for the device to reflect new filter changes, and your child's session will not start using new filter settings until they have restarted their current session (i.e. restarted their computer).

If you change the filter settings and want to make sure your new filter settings are in use, you may want to restart their device.

Future product development

As of 2024, our immediate future will revolve around increasing the number of filters we offer and increase the amount of custom code dedicated to managing social media. At the moment we mostly focus on filtering domains, sites built with users as subdomains (such as tumblr), and reddit feeds. In the coming weeks we intend to improve our filtering of Twitter/X, and in the coming weeks we hope to improve our latency regarding video games.

We're also currently working on processing each post through an uncensored chat-based large language model. This will enable parents to filter exactly what they're concerned about and process each post individually.

More compatible devices are coming as well, we currently only support Windows. Unfortunately mobile devices might take longer to support since they have more restrictions on adding certificates (which are required to safely encrypt data). Hopefully we'll have a Linux and Mac client soon.

Time Scheduling

You can set specific time schedules for each of your devices, in hour increments. So if you don't want your kids you kids to be online after 10pm, you would select the 22 and 23 boxes.

Image of what the time scheduler looks like.

How our service works

Our software works differently from most monitoring software. Our monitoring system lies in between the child and the web service they're interacting with, and intercepts the content. It then removes content (such as websites, social media users/accounts, or specific posts), encrypts the page, and then sends it off to be viewed through a VPN. All images go through a separate image classifier as well, to determine if they're pornographic in nature. Your child does not need a special browser or plugin to use the tool, the parent only needs to install our Window app onto their computer and select which accounts to monitor.

Control Diagram of Child Monitoring Software

This system allows us to apply much more advanced machine learning techniques on the content your kids view, which means you have greater control over the content they see. The end result is posts are directly removed from the feed, like this:

Example of what it would look like when reddit posts are removed
Example of the atheism and lgbt filter running

I've grown up in the age of social media, and like many of you I've seen what it can do to people when they start reading or listening to it at a young age. Kids are introduced to subreddits like r/childfree or r/egg_irl at a young age and indoctrinated. These communities convince children they need permanent surgical solutions to their perceived problems, and teach them how to have these surgeries as soon as they're 18, if not sooner.

The mission of ParentControls.Win is to reach these kids before they're exposed to harmful communities, and remove these communities from social media feeds.

What does the service cost?

Our family filter costs $20 a month.

We have significant costs, driven largely by Nvidia GPU servers. In the future we'd like to offer a self-hosted option, and reduce costs as we build out caching servers, however at the moment monthly server costs can easily consume the majority of the monthly fee.

If you are a parent who can't afford our service but still want to protect your child, you can look into They are just a DNS filter, so they won't provide page-level filtering (such as social media or search feed filtering), but they are an alternative conservative-minded internet filter with a free tier.

Data Storage and Privacy

All of our filtering is done in real time, and so we don't store any of your child's data. Further, not only is the data from our server to the destination server protected by TLS, the data from your child's computer is protected by TLS as well as the Wireguard VPN Tunnel encryption.

We are COPPA compliant, and so if we ever do start storing your child's data, you can message us and we'll delete any or all of the data you and your child may produce.

Data privacy is a top priority for us, and while we do plan to implement visible usage logs for parents to analyze their child's online behavior and frequency in the future, we promise not to abuse or sell your child's data at any point.


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